Certificate Online Course in

Information & Data Security Management

(Cybersecurity Management, Computer Forensics & Artificial Management)


King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) through its continuing education department is providing the best education to the local community. In addition to offering degrees in different programs, KFUPM continues to offer short courses through its various colleges, for the local community. These courses are designed by the experts and provide theoretical and hands-on practical knowledge to the students that matches with the most recent industrial standards and job requirements inside the kingdom. This course is organized by Dammam Community College of KFUPM.


About this Certificate Course

The course is offered online. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental concepts and principles of information security and computer forensics. It covers the key aspects of securing information, including risk management, security policies, encryption, access control, network security, and incident response. Students will gain a solid foundation in information security & computer forensics principles and practices, preparing them for further studies or careers in the field. 

The duration of the course is approx. 13 weeks (90+ hours approximately) and will cover the following major topics 


Course Content

  • Introduction to Information Security
  • Access Control and Authentication
  • Cryptography and Data Protection
  • Network Security
  • Security in the computing
  • Security in the Mobile Devices
  • Internet Security
  • Computer Forensics
  • Artificial Intelligence in Cybersercurity Management.

* Any change or update may happen, if necessary.


KFUPM Certificate


A certificate of attendance will be issued by KFUPM, Deanship of Education Services to all those candidates who have attended at least 80% of the classes and have successfully completed and submitted the tasks assigned by the instructors


Course Fees & Schedule

Course Fee:                 SAR 2950 (VAT inclusive, non-refundable)

Course Start Date:     November 17, 2024

Course Delivery:         Online

Course Duration:        3 Months (13-Weeks Approx)

Total Hours:                90+ Hours (Approx)

Class days:                   2 -3 days in a week (except Friday and Saturday)

Time:                            2-3 hours in the evening, between 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm



For more information visit: https://sites.google.com/view/dcc-is/home

To Register: Click Here


Course Coordinator: Mr. Hasan Perrveiz

Email: perrveiz@kfupm.edu.sa

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hasan-perrveiz-80b249173

Office: Short Courses-Room No. 250, DCC
Telephone:+966 (13)
868 3300 Ext. 865 (8:30am-11:30am & 1:30pm – 3:30pm) 

ballam@kfupm.edu.sacont-edu@kfupm.edu.sa , sc@dcc.kfupm.edu.sa 

Dammam Community College
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals